“Medical Physics is a noble profession. A job that allows you to do extraordinary things.”

Your full name please
Magatte Diagne

How would you define Medical Physics?
Medical physics can be generally defined as a field in which applied physics techniques are used in medicine. Traditionally, medical physics deals chiefly with the use of ionizing or non-ionizing radiation in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

Where do you work?
Hospital Aristide Le Dantec: Institute Joliot Curie Dakar, Senegal

What other positions do you hold?
President, Radiation Protection Association, Senegal

Tell us about your educational background
PhD in Physics, 2005 and Masters in Medical Physics, 2007.

How did you get to know about Medical Physics?
After my PhD when my father died of cancer, I decided to be involved in cancer care. I got a scholarship from the IAEA to be trained in Medical Physics.

In what way are you involved in medical physics?
Research, Clinical, and Teaching

How long have you been involved in Medical Physics?
Less than 20 years

What is your main area of specialisation in Medical Physics?
Radiation Oncology

What do you love about Medical Physics/your job?
Saving lives and giving hope to our patients

Are there any challenges you face at your job?
Lack of Masters degree Programs in Medical Physics needed to train more students in this field.

How would you rate the Medical Physics profession in Africa, Do you think significant progress has been made? (1 being the highest point and 5 the lowest)

What do you think should be the major focus of African Medical Physicists or Medical Physics in Africa?
Improvement of the status and recognition of Medical Physicists as well as the consideration of Medical Physicists as health professionals

What would you say are the most essential skills needed for anyone interested in becoming a Medical Physicist?
Medical physicists must be able to carefully evaluate their own work and the work of others. They must determine whether results and conclusions are accurate and based on sound science. Medical physicists work in fields that are on the cutting edge of technology and therefore should possess a high level of curiosity.

What advice would you give aspiring Physicists/Medical Physicists?
Be focused and hardworking! Medical Physics is a noble profession. A job that allows you to do extraordinary things, involving service to patients, research and development activities using ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.

If not Medical Physics what else?
Radiation Protection and developer.

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