“… always pay attention to details and demonstrate empathy and kindness to patients”

How would you define Medical Physics?
An applied branch of Physics concerned with the application of the concepts and methods of Physics to the diagnosis and treatment of human diseases.

Where do you work?
Department of Medical Physics, National Hospital Abuja and Department of Physics, University of Abuja, Nigeria.

Are there other positions you hold if any?
Secretary General – Nigerian Association of Medical Physicists (NAMP), Member – Awards and Honours Committee of the IOMP, Member – Health Technology Task Group (HTTG) of IUPESM.

Tell us about your educational background
1975 – 1980 Offa Grammar School, Offa (“O” Level); 1981 – 1982 Kwara State College of Technology, Ilorin (“A” Level); 1982 – 1985 Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria (B.Sc. Physics); 1986 – 1993 Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria (Ph.D. Physics); 1988 – 1989 Institute of Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection “DEMOKRITOS”, Athens, GREECE; 1996 – 1997 I.A.E.A. Fellowship on Medical Radiation Physics At Hammersmith/Charring Cross Hospitals, London, United Kingdom; 2002 I.A.E.A Fellowship on Medical Physics at Pretoria Academic Hospital, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa (RSA).

How did you get to know about Medical Physics?
The quest to help !!!

In what way are you involved in medical physics?
Research, Clinical, Academics, and Teaching.

How long have you been involved in Medical Physics?
Over 20 years

What is your main area of specialisation in Medical Physics?
Radiation Oncology, Diagnostic Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, Radiation Protection and Education.

What do you love about Medical Physics/your job?
The joy of contributing my little quota towards ameliorating the pains that stares the patients in the face daily.

What did you love the most while serving in FAMPO?
The camaraderie, enthusiasm and support of my colleagues and compatriots in the Executive Committee and the Council.

Are there challenges you faced as a FAMPO EXCO?
The supposed challenges have been overtaken by the response to the previous question.

How would you rate the Medical Physics profession in Africa, Do you think significant progress has been made? (1 being the highest point and 5 the lowest)

What do you think should be the major focus of African Medical Physicists or Medical Physics in Africa?
Accentuating our competencies and skills to attain great professionalism.

What would you say are the most essential skills needed for anyone interested in becoming a Medical Physicist?
Analytical and interpersonal skills which shall engender good team spirit as well as fertile and imaginative thoughts.

What advice would you give aspiring Physicists/Medical Physicists?
To always pay attention to details and demonstrate empathy and kindness to patients.

If not Medical Physics what else?
Nothing else !!!